Power of Love & story of Lata Bhagwan Kare
Love is the biggest force in life, and where there is love, the impossible easily becomes possible.
That is the power of love, and that is the message in the story that I am going to tell to you.
This is tale of lata bhagawan khare, who lived with her husband in budhana district, Maharashtra.
They were daily wage workers on a land owner's farm and by the amount they earned, they were barely able to eat and sustain themselves. The little bit they had saved over the years, they had spent in wedding of their three daughters.
They were now old. One day on returning from work, the husband complained of a terrible ache in his chest. Lata gave him traditional herbs, but they were of no use.
The next day she took him to the local doctor. He said the matter was serious and he needed to be taken the big hospital in the city nearby.
Lata was crestfallen. She didn't have the resources for that in desperation, she begged and borrowed from friends and relatives and then embarked on the journey with her sick husband.
On reaching the hospital, she felt overwhelmed and out of place.
People were giving them condescending looks as if they seemed to have lost their way into the hospital. not to be deterred, lata paid what she had to arrange for the doctor's appointment.
The doctor on seeing said he needed some more tests for the complete diagnosis, and only then the treatment could begin.
Lata felt shattered. She took the doctor's slip and walked out the hospital. She had no money for the diagnosis.
She decided they would have to return. since they were both hungry , they stopped at the nearby teashop and asked for some samosas.
The shop owner gave them the samosas on a piece of paper.
The heading caught her eyes : Baramati-prize money available
Money! That was what she needed . They spent the night under a bus stand.
The next day she reached the Venue. She had never participated in a race prior to this all her life.
She had never heard of what a marathon was. All she knew was she needed the money for the treatment of her husband.
The organizers refused to allow her participation. Everyone else was young. They were in the most appropriate sports attire, where as here was a lady in her sixties dressed in traditional Maharashtra sari, but she was adamant.
After an hour, the relented.
The race began, and to everyone's surprise, lata bhagwan Khare was in the lead.
She had slippers. After a little while they tore.
She left them behind and continued to run for her life.
In the end, to astonishment of everyone, lata bhagwan khare was announced as the winner of the Baramati marathon.
She walked off with the prize money, got her husband treated.
That was the power of her love.
The next year, she returned again. The treatment was not yet over.
She won the marathon once more and often that, yet again.
When we hear this story, we wonder what is it that could make a 62-years-old lady running the marathon for the first time in her life.
Defeat everyone in the race?
It was her love that was motivating her.
But this love was directly towards her husband, and the worldly relationships of husband, wife , son, daughter, father, mother, sister, brother, are all based upon the body. They are temporary. The moment the body perishes, that relationship is over.
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